ACRS Classic Stock Range
ACRS Classic Stock Range
I enjoy making custom stocks in a variety of designs. Other than incorporating specific design features and dimensions for variety of functional reasons, the challenge comes in carving manually the requisite dimensions into a piece of functional Art. This is reflected in the range of "classic" machined rifle stocks available from ACRS. Below are descriptio​ns and a photo gallery of each. Each classification has been created to separate different designs. Within each, there are minor variations because each was created by​ cutting from the block manually and according to measurements such as those concerning gun fit. Each pattern is scaled and shape refined to best suit the inlet of a particular make and model of rifle.
ACRS "Classic Stalking Rifle" - CSR
ACRS "Classic Stalking Rifle" - CSR
Classic Stalking Rifle patterns feature more open grips, combined with a bit more drop than has been commonly chosen in the last several decades. They always have a cheek piece of "British" form. Forends are slightly longer and slightly heavier than many of the British originals - but still slimmer than the PH, American Classic and Anglo-American stocks described below.
While the stoc​ks seem of broadly British appearance, they have been heavily influenced by my thoughts on what is best for modern use in Australian stalking, and a few of my mentors who encouraged me to study and try to evolve their work. If you are a keen sambar hunter, and like "walking them up" with a more traditional rifle, the CSR is always going to be a strong contender. CSR stocks can generally be ordered with custom variations in grip length, drop and cast as an extra cost option - not just length-of-pull. ACRS is devoted to working with customers to gain superior stock fit!
Classic Stalking Rifle machined stocks are available for various makes and models, from rimfire rifles right up to big bores.

ACRS "British Best"
ACRS "British Best"
​Over the years I have been lucky to have handled, shot and hunted with a fair number of fine British sporting rifles. Only a very few examples from a minority of makers struck a chord as really outstanding examples. Since then, I have been making drawings and compiling detailed notes on dimensions, handling characteristics and balance preferred by myself and others. I also maintain a "library" of those original take-off stocks I like best, and those I don't to demonstrate why.
A copy of no one stock, th​is pattern range was cut from the block and is a blend of the features I personally found made the best British style stocks. There is not much new in stock making, so what I have concentrated on is identifying what various makers did, and why, and try to combine the very best features of the best examples into a quality pattern.
This stock design is a highly refined, puritan "stalking rifle" design. The trigger hand position is quite unique, and gives fine trigger and recoil control. Classy, subdued grip(top) and forend (underside) "ridge lines" give the hunter a subconscious reference point when handling and mounting the rifle, aiding assurity and repeatability when the pressure is on. The stock is designed to work exceedingly well with iron sights, and can be had with a range of drop, cast, grip length and other options. If you like the looks, it makes for a very fast-handling traditional rifle stock that is a fine basis for a custom rifle build. With suitable drop figures to give good fit, it can make for a nice scope/iron sight stock, or for dedicated scope use too.
Suits small game, medium game and dangerous game calibres equally when scaled to each action size.

A plain, classic, "working rifle" stock, combined with modern era big-bore stock design ethos. Stable handling with a nice open grip that gives good trigger-hand position. Available with no cast for those shooters who prefer it ( e.g. to suit ambidextrous use) or can also ​be ordered with drop and cast within reasonable limits. Most of the current patterns have no cheek piece, but one can be included on a special order basis.
I have PH patterns for many of the magnum bolt actions, and also scaled right down to suit some rimfires for those who want a companion for their big bore "stopper" stocked the same.

ACRS "Bag Grip"
ACRS "Bag Grip"
At it's best on a light and lively iron-sighted stalking rifle - one designed for stalking where close-up shooting from a variety of positions is the norm. A good Bag Grip design allows the hand and trigger finger to readily adapt to the variations in hand/wrist attitude such shooting conditions bring about. Yet it is comfortably reassuring all the while.
I've studied original bag grip vintage stocks from several famed makers, not only from the UK but also Europe. Careful consideration was given to the best (and least desirable) features of each when designing and shaping my Bag Grip pattern stocks. These are not begat from some of my other patterns with just the bag grip added. Crucially, the entire stock was designed to perform well on Mauser 98 actioned rifles built for very particular hunting conditions. Available with and without cheek piece. Ambidextrous or with LH or RH cast and LOP options. By all means name your specific cast, drop, trigger-to-grip length, pitch etc. on a special order basis. ​

ACRS "American Classic"
ACRS "American Classic"
Not all shooters like a "British" stock, for reasons of apearance and/or fit. ACRS "American Classic" patterns are simply my best interpretation of this well known stock design category.
Grips are generally tighter, drop-at-heel is less, and forends are longer and generally have a bit more "meat" in them. These stocks handle in a stable fashion and provided they are ordered with dimensions to ensure good gun fit, they handle recoil rather well.
On top of specifying your length-of-pull, I can provide the usual option of nominating grip length, cast and drop with your machined stock order, at extra charge.

ACRS "Anglo-American"
ACRS "Anglo-American"
Identified by it's pancake cheek piece, combined with the other hallmarks of the American Classic form such as a ​broader, fluted comb with less drop-at-heel. Butt footprint is slightly larger and of a different form, and the forends are generally slightly longer and slightly heavier. Some people choose this "cross-breed" over all others, and I believe in doing my best to accommodate them.

ACRS "Germanic Pattern"
ACRS "Germanic Pattern"
I have a great affinity for rifles built with Mauser M98 type actions. It has been difficult to get a really fine original Germanic stock, let alone a modern rendition of the style. Most of the time when I do see originals, there is a lack of symmetry, or some aspe​cts of a particular stock let it down. I've combined the best features of each of the finest Germanic made stocks I've seen and been able to work with. There are a few variants here. The pattern range is limited but always growing.

ACRS "Past Masters"
Vintage Re-Dux Patterns
ACRS "Past Masters"
Vintage Re-Dux Patterns
​While I love studying vintage stocks, I'm not into copying them outright. Where demand is great, I offer some "re-dux" of original stocks ​such as the DWM Plezier, BSA Lee Speed, and others. While the design can be excellent on some originals, the stocks are not often well struck with regards to symmetry. Why duplicate such flaws? I start with an assay of as many originals as possible, and re-make them as best I can, manually cutting them from the block. These stocks are not replicas, but evolved derivatives.

ACRS "V​armint Classic"
ACRS "V​armint Classic"
Classic "varmint" stocks, petite enough to match up with a barrel profile light enough to hunt for vermin on foot. The butt is, broadly speaking, an ACRS American Classic derivative.
The comb is wide enough and high enough for dedicated scope shooting. There is a moderately wide beavertail forend which is long enough to cope with a bipod. The cheek piece and beavertail fades have a shadow line, a​nd there is a chinstrap behind the grip. Call or email to discuss action inlets. Varmint stocks are not the focus here, though I quite like some of them.

Various Other Patterns By ACRS
Various Other Patterns By ACRS
Regarding Roll-Over, Monte Carlo, Tyrolean etc stocks - ACRS has a limited range. Please enquire.